Hello & Welcome!

I’m Julie. I help people influence and change pain, find joy, and move with ease using evidence based practices.

Living with chronic pain can feel isolating, exhausting, and never-ending. Every day is [insert brief list of primary problems/challenges]

Nothing shows up on the scans so your doctors are confused. Your loved ones care, but don’t know how to support you. And your future is filled with fear.

But there is a path for you.

Western medicine focuses on acute care. It’s about symptom reduction, not health promotion. If it doesn’t show up on an X-ray or CT scan, it’s often dismissed.
But your pain is real. And you deserve relief. 
Relief that let’s you get back to a life you love, and the people, you love.

What if I told you there’s a proven, evidence-based path to healing? 

And what if you could do it without doctors, drugs, or a diagnosis? It’s a bit unorthodox…

but is a proven, ancient art form.

Would you want to know more?

3 Ways I Can Help

  • Newsletter

    A blend of pain science research and practical tips to help you change your pain and heal your body - delivered every Monday morning.

  • Digital Courses & On-Demand Classes

    Join a supportive community and learn proven pain-management techniques through expert-led courses and movement-based classes designed to help you find relief.

  • Advanced

    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.