Join me on the Path…

Hello and thank you for dropping by!

My name is Julie Shannon Williams. Please allow me to share a bit about myself. At a young age, I had an experience that challenged my understanding of life and death. I felt someone pass from this life to the next. The following morning, a newspaper article confirmed it, but I wasn’t ready to embrace it…so I suppressed it and moved on.

I started my 20+ year career as an educator, and began practicing yoga with friends as a social event. I soon learned that this was much more than a physical way to move my body, and spend time with friends. It is then that I embraced this practice as a lifestyle.

After a near death experience and debilitating pain of my own, yoga became my true refuge and my path to healing. I took the leap, and went all in on this new life. I became a certified yoga therapist and along the way, opened back up to my intuitive abilities (and much to my surprise, discovered it runs in the family!).

I have devoted my life to this practice, and to helping people in pain.

I assist others to find their own path to ease both physical and mental and emotional pain, providing guidance on the path of identifying their own innate healing journey.

As a medium, I connect with those who’ve passed. The beautiful messages that come forward from loved ones and guides are both moving and often profound. This connection (or rather re-connection) with this form of support is felt on a “soul” level, and often allows the client to lean in even further to healing in the present.

Interested in my work? I’m interested in working with you!

Julie Shannon Williams

M.Ed, C-IAYT, Lead Trainer at PCA

Content dear to

my heart…

  1. Yoga and yoga therapy With less than 4,000 yoga therapists world wide, I bring knowledge and wisdom of this ancient tradition through my own practice, to be a guide for you to find your path.

  2. Chronic Pain Chronic pain is grossly misunderstood by western medicine. Instead of acute care, I offer a whole person health care model that specifically address chronic care needs, and can assist you in finding healing from the inside out. 

  3. Pain Neuroscience Education In understanding pain science, we reduce anxiety and fear, we learn the relationship with the brain and body, and their relationship to pain. We also learn the necessity in understanding the nervous system. Learn this, and you’ll find relief!

  4. Evidence-based Pain Management Mind-body practices are a cornerstone of health and healing. Contrary to what you may believe (or have been told), you can do yoga especially with chronic pain. 

  5. Intuition & Awareness You may have heard of the book, “The body keeps score.” When we become fluent in the language and wisdom of the body, a new world of possibilities emerges.

I look forward to walking along side you on your healing journey…