Exercising as we Age, Oh How Humbling at Times!
As I sat to write this month’s blog for my women’s wellness group, The New Face of Aging, I thought, “How do I educate on exercising as we age? I’m only 49.” Which is true…I haven’t experienced some of the more drastic changes that inevitably will occur later in my life. But, then I remembered…we all have so much more in common as we are ALL aging!! Yes, at varying stages, but it’s still true.
I am, personally, familiar with the changes in my yoga practice. I recall how good my body felt after an hour long vinyasa practice in a hot studio in my early to mid thirties. Now, the idea of that many chaturanga dandansanas (Learn about this pose here) makes my shoulder cry for mercy, let alone the words HOT YOGA. What this tells me is that I’ve learned! I’ve learned more about my body, what it needs, what it wants. And because with age, comes wisdom…I’m finally listening! My body never did very well in the heat to begin with, and I crave the combination of what makes me sweat in a yoga class (which you can do without the heated room), and what clears and calms my body and mind. That, in turn, feeds my soul!! This is what exercising as we age is TRULY about.
Now, it is true that my body is not the same as it was in my 30s. I’ve lost muscle mass, and need to do strength training to continually build and maintain as it is true that we lose muscle mass after age 40. Also, my joints operate very differently. I have always struggled with joint related issues my whole life (I quit basketball my sophomore year in high school because pivoting hurt my knees), but because my muscle strength has lessened, being mindful with my joints has never been more prevalent.
I am not a big fan of The Biggest Loser show for a few reasons (the title for starters), but this article did make me look, and even want to share. Take a peek here as the article speaks to how aging happens at a cellular level, and that important areas to focus on, beyond exercise, are stress levels (hello yoga and meditation), sleep hygiene, and eating a healthy diet. And that exercising 5 days a week to maintain a healthy lifestyle is NOT NEEDED. Now, if you are coming out of a pandemic with extra weight on you, like me, you may need a stronger regiment up front…but to maintain and be/feel healthy?? This article says about 2 times per week should do it. That may be something to smile about. :)
Now, back to how might I, someone barely hanging on to my 40s, speak to those 60 +?? I can do this because we are all human. It is important for us ALL, at any age, to truly listen to what our bodies are saying to us. To identify, or seek help in identifying, our needs. To slow down so we can actually listen. To then learn new options (dare I say opportunities) that fit us best for where we are in life. Strive to adjust to these changes as they continue to happen…over and over..and even over again! And possibly embrace a new form of exercise. We like routines, we like familiar…but as we age, our bodies don’t always FEEL familiar. At times, they may even feel quite foreign to us. Can we be open to these shifts and changes? Not just in the body…but also in the mind? Research shows us that learning something new helps with brain health…so I see this adaption as a win-win!!
And then there are important messages for us all. Please…come back, continually, to a sense of deep compassion for your body. Be kind to how you speak to your body. Remove comments such as, my bad knee/back/etc. Our bodies do so much for us each day. It’s important, and invaluable, to acknowledge this. Show gratitude. Have compassion for yourself as you age…as you change. Can you embrace these changes, be open to learning “the new”, and smile, or even laugh, as these shifts occur? We’re all in this together! We may be at different stages of the aging process…but…everybody’s doin’ it!