Managing Relationships Post-Pandemic
The first few minutes of seeing someone, in person, that you haven’t seen in possibly a year or two…what used to be so natural and relaxed, now seems to be filled with a mix of sheer joy as well as insecurity and trepidation. We’ve gone from the safety of our living rooms in soft pant pajama bottoms, appearing to others as a mere 2D rectangle on a screen, to a living and breathing 3 dimensional person in just a matter of days. How is that sitting with you? What are you noticing with this new shift? Joy? Excitement? Fear? Hesitation? All of the above? You’re not alone.
I’ve had a few of those interactions…you know the ones…you see your friend or loved one, you both smile these huge smiles (that you can now actually see sans mask), and you walk towards one another. Are they vaccinated? Is this safe? Do we hug? What should I do??? A client of mine, likened this time to the scene in the movie, The Wizard of Oz when the wicked witch is dead, and all the munchkins begin to come out singing a song! []
This pandemic has taught us all so many things. One of the most important, I feel, is the connections we have with those we love. It was so challenging not to be near those we love. It has been extremely painful to those that have lost a loved one during this time, either to COVID-19, or to other causes, as the normal approach to this process of grief was taken from us. The missed opportunity to gather and surround the individual dying, to comfort them, and to comfort one another….was truly a deep loss. I do believe that the one who is dying does feel the love and support around them at that final hour. But for those that remain living…there is often a feeling of deep pain, sadness, and a lack of closure.
We have been through a lot! The human race has been trough deep trauma, and for so many reasons! It has taken many forms through this past few years. We have felt separation and isolation like possibly never before. But to have the opportunity for change, now, is truly a gift! So I ask you…what is it you want, desire, and crave? As we creep out of our homes, and come together, can you do the delicate balance of time in community as well as time solo? To replenish? Will you continue to set aside time to s l o w d o w n ? ? So much value there…in that spaciousness in between! Can we find ways to incorporate that and fold that into our daily living, so that we may truly LIVE?!!!? What does that look like for you? What health boundaries will you continue to uphold as things unfold? Regardless of the opinions of others? What ways will you seek connection and community that allow you to show up fully as YOURSELF??!?
I leave you today with these thought provoking questions, as well as a quote from my business (spiritual) coach: “All of life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory.” Glory? what does that look like, you may ask? It means ‘more than you can imagine’…